Daily Prompt: Nightmares

Describe the last nightmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

This post will be short and sweet, I am not a great sleeper and have suffered from insomnia for years.  When I do drop off to sleep I don’t dream and if I do I can never remember them.

I suffer from flashbacks for a number of decades:-

Flashbacks are the “personal experiences that pop into your awareness, without any conscious, premeditated attempt to search and retrieve this memory”  These experiences occasionally have little to no relation to the situation at hand. Flashbacks to those suffering post traumatic stress disorder can be so disruptive as to seriously affect day-to-day living. [Wikipedia]

I am sorry I am not reliving any of those within this blog.  Firstly, I don’t what my readers personally experience is and I don’t want to be responsible for causing a trigger to someone else.  Secondly, they are personal to me and my experiences, they don’t need to be aired yet again and lastly for legal reasons I can’t actually repeat some off these flashbacks as this is open blog which can be read by anyone and if I do repeat certain information I could put any future legal proceedings in jeopardy.

8 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Nightmares

  1. l can never remember my dreams, with two exceptions, but often wake from a very vivid dream but can remember nothing////l know l murdered someone once…what a relief to wake up….

  2. Pingback: Nightmares « thelissachronicles

  3. Pingback: Steel Walls and Rivets « Cheri Speak

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Nightmares … what’s it got to do with a female horse? | Fasting, Food and other musings by determined34

  5. Pingback: I Live In Oz, But Visit Kansas For My Dreams | The Jittery Goat

  6. Pingback: DREAM ASYLUM ANALYSIS « hastywords

  7. Pingback: Daily Prompt – Nightmares – Flash Fiction / Short Story / Poem – “The Ghost of Poe” | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

  8. Pingback: The Story of a Recurring Nightmare | Beyond Beauty Tips

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